Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fixie mania - part 2

why are they all so obsessed with fixies? The growing numbers of bicycles in London and the onset of the warm summer weather seems to have just pushed the fixie fetish one step further. Fixed wheel bikes are now the number one cool mode of transport in east london. I've also heard them being called 'hoxton fixies' - which means they're just a new breed of fetishised fashion accessories for hip young Londoners. Not only do they need to have the right, shiny fixed wheel bike, the matching bike messenger looking outfit -bag, trousers, shoes, even the hairdo !?- they tend to hangout in the same 'authentic' places as the rough lot. What a bunch of posers. Yet, they're pretty cool looking posers. A bit like posh kids going for the trashy torn jeans greasy hair look, or art students going all political and squatting (as opposed to those who have little choice but to live in derelict houses). But then, what's all the elitism all about? Shouldn't it be somewhat heartwarming to see so many people adopt your style? Maybe not the lifestyle but at least the physical outlook. It shows they look up to you. It's a mark of admiration and aspiration (and respect?) that so many bikers are copying the whole bike messenger approach to cycling. And besides, how could anyone mistake a biker copycat with a real guy who spends the whole day on the streets? It's unmistakable - the radio, road worn bike, dirty clothes sweaty look etc. So why the whole debate around 'fakengers' and 'hoxton fixies'? Stop being elitist and precious and just be pleased that people just think you look so good.

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