Monday, April 09, 2007

East versus west

I've always been a big fan of the east London, of EC1, the City and beyond. Some friends swear otherwise. 'West is best'... A half hour cycle trip to the other side of town only reinforced my sense of belonging to the east side. Although people make their niche wherever they are, the polished, clean west part of town just isn't my thing. I've been there on quite a few occasions, admired the charming, well kept, terraced houses, cool cafes and shops, but the hoards of tourists and visitors -like me!- are just a real turn off, which was perhaps made worse by two close shaves on the road with typically pretentious, disrespectful drivers.
So back to the east side... As soon as I hit Clerkenwell road, I had the strange sensation of feeling at home again - as if I'd left town for the afternoon. Whizzing past the quiet, empty Guardian offices, overpriced loft spaces and studios, a wave of peace and happiness took over. Then past down the ever busy Old street, the concrete maze which is the Barbican, the superimposition of modernity and a few old landmarks (the jellied eel van off Aldgate doesn't count). The real grey, gritty, dirty stuff. Go further east it gets worse, but that's the London I love - both transient and present, filthy and fascinating, dirty and yet arty. I hear it's one of the most 'rooted' and historic place in town. Home sweet home, east London.

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