Friday, August 10, 2007


I think I need a detox. I know I've been going on about this for a while but I think it's due very soon. No matter how healthy my diet is throughout the year, some things just need clearing. Start with the skin - sleep, water, fruits, veg and vitamins are a pre-requisite for healthy looking skin, but there's no point being so saintly if you're going to undo all that goodness with booze, caffeine, chocolate and sugar. Right so I'm no alcoholic - I hardly drink- and I don't consume much caffeine either, but I admit I have lacked discipline when it comes to chocolate. Even the dark, low sugar, organic -and supposedly satisfying- kind does seem to leave its mark. As much as the media has lauded the benefits of consuming dark chocolate, it remains a food which is high in toxins. Cocoa, to be consumed, needs to be roasted, cooked and processed. Even the darkest of chocolates are high in fat - not the best type of fat either. The toxins and saturated fats found in chocolate seem to irritate my skin, causing breakouts and rashes.

Right, so that's one thing out of the way. Caffeine, sugar and a lack of a regular sleep pattern also affect my health. So I may not exactly be acne prone, but I have noticed that some foods irritate my skin. Saturated fats for instance. A two week trip to India (full of ghee laden treats, cream and whole milk products) created an outburst in skin trauma. Even locals asked if I had been bitten by mosquitoes on my face! Quite embarrassing. Sugar is definitely another culprit, so as the lack of sleep.
It is thus time to act. I need to clear away all this crap from my system and engage on a positive cleansing routine. Inside and out. This means no sugar, no chocolate (noooo!!!!), alcohol or caffeine for, what, a week? Longer if I can resist. Summer is the best time for this - I am less hungry, thirstier, fruits and vegetables are plentiful, fresh and tasty, so it shouldn't be too hard. What about supplements? Vitamin C and spirulina should do the trick. Oh and regular exfoliation. When do I start again? Hmmm...

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