Friday, February 16, 2007

choco diary - week 1

Week one

Chun's left for a month - and has done so in style- he's left me with a big fat slab of 75% cocoa, organic fairtrade chocolate - one Kilo bar to last me for a month. Will it though? Having counted all the squares, my calculations are that I would have to consume over 200 grammes a week to finish it by the time he gets back - which equates to a daily, constant munch - nearly a standard bar a day. Quite ambitious isn't it? Shall I be selfish and stuff my face, delve into utter sensual pleasure, in order to finish the damn stuff, or shall I discipline myself and religiously section off a few squares a week? Such a tough question asks for an equally tough answer.
The next few weeks may very well end up being the most unhealthy, choci-fied ones in my whole life, but who knows, this could be a wonderful, life changing experience, in which I discover the benefits (or disatrous after-effects) of eating humungous amounts of chocolate.

I must note that this may not be my only source of consumption of chocolate ....

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