Day 1-2
So here’s a first day of my winter in the sunshine…. Being in a place where I have the luxury of space, time and freedom. Freedom to follow whatever path I choose, time to let go and wholly absorb another culture, lifestyle and yoga, and finally the luxury of being able to do all this, in my own time. It does still feel extremely surreal – not just being here, sat in a lovely little cottage surrounded by durian trees, palms and other exotic plants, as well as a disused skate park now home to frogs, monkeys and cows, but that’s another story.
So it’s surreal to be back in Goa, Anjuna, Brahmani Yoga, rolling my mat out next to familiar faces and knowing most of the people from either London or Goa. It’s a strange little world, which keeps changing and yet stays bizarrely similar year after year. The difference for me, returning here this season, is that I’m no longer a teacher trainee, I no longer have the stress of writing essays or showing up at 7 am everyday – I still do, simply because I love early mornings and the quiet, fresh cycle into the yoga shala. The dogs have been an issue at dawn though – I’m sure they recognise new faces cause they really barked and growled this morning. They usually sleep daytime and howl at night, so by morning they get pretty hungry and aggressive. Plus they smell fresh blood. That’s my view anyway.
So I’m back in Anjuna for the season – the ‘season’ meaning 5/6 months- and my days will be divided between yoga practice, assisting in classes and doing some PA/PR work for the centre. I reckon that’s enough to keep me busy and yet not too much to stress me out. A fairly good balance for now. I hope.
The fact that I’m writing all this does show that I’m on a fairly productive, ‘London’ mode, and that I still feel the need to report back to others. Reporting is good though – especially as it’s taken me over 24 hours to switch my laptop on, and I haven’t been online for much time either! People say it takes at least a week to totally switch off, so I’m doing fairly well after a day.
So I’m on day 2 and I have my house nearly decked out, with some help from my fussy, german, ex-fashion designer neighbour, my local phone’s just about working, and I’ve already managed to borrow a bike. It’s nice being away, I’m still buzzing from the excitement and the overwhelming number of friendly faces around. But whether life really is better in Goa is something that I’ll soon find out….